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 DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'
Tickticktick 231 posts, incept 2008-11-23
2021-09-20 12:56:50

Do we have a bunch of people dying of secondary bacterial pneumonia and not Covid-19 at all yet again, nobody is looking because there is a playbook and it does not include looking for and treating anything else if the person has a positive Covid-19 test? The use of steroids is shown to help dampen inflammatory response (and thus is common and helpful in hospitalized Covid patients) but systemic steroids also set up the potential for bacterial colonization by suppressing immune response.

Want to share my experience.

Okay, part of the FLCCC protocol is to administer azythromycin (z-pack), this is an antibiotic and should have no effect on a viral infection (covid). The steroids that are also part of their protocol are to tamp down an over-reactive immune response that may occur as the body responds to the VIRUS (correct?).

What happened to me:

- 4 men and 1 woman works in our office

- only one is vaxxed, and he got the vax "early", and a very recent booster. All others unvaxxed.

- mid-August, one of the unvaxxed calls in sick, he is hospitalized and tested + for covid. His wife and son also test positive.

- other unvaxxed male: doesn't get it but his wife and son at his home then test positive for covid.

- woman: about 3 weeks later, developed low-grade fever and low-grade flu-like
symptoms, which have not progressed much. I started her on Vit C, D, zinc and quercetin, but she balks at Vitamin I for what I consider childish reasons.....

- late August, I get a high fever (101+) that I can barely control with aspirin/tylenol. I immediately start with daily Vitamin I and Quercertin/zinc. Had already been taking Vitamin D, C, and a multivitamin all spring and summer. I'm fairly healthy, on no medications, a little bit (20#) overweight, late 50's, smoker.

- almost immediately developed what is called "occipital neuralgia", which is the feeling of being CONSTANTLY electrocuted in short (1/4-second) bursts in your temple and side/back of your head area. This is an absolutely dreadful feeling/condition that you cannot escape from until you get the fever down (p.s. this had happened to me once before, perhaps 2010 or so, when I had the flu and it ---- the neuralgia ---sent me to the ER, which is how I know all about it).

- got a prescription from doc for the z-pack and prednisone. Took the first dose (2 tablets) of the azythromycin and within 12 hours the fever was broken and the neuralgia went away.

- once the antibiotic course was done (3 days), started on the prednisone. Vitamin I (etc.) therapy continued the entire time, and to the present day.

- also gargle and use the 1% iodine nasal spray 3x daily.

- Prednisone use has just now finished.

- so besides the "standard" FLCCC "treatment" (which for me is now back to the "prophylactic stage", I'm out of bullets.......

- obviously, once the neuralgia was brought under control, I felt 100% better, I couldn't smoke because of a "tightness" in lungs from doing so, but that went away about a week later.

So......can I likely conclude that:

a) I may or may not have had covid, but rather a bacterial infection? How else would the antibiotic have made a difference? Obviously never went for a covid test.

b) oxygen saturation never went below 94%, most measurements were in the 94-97% (sometimes 98%) range during each test (2x daily).

c) since I'm all out of bullets, what happens if things do not continue to improve? Have not had any fever for over a week.

Thanks for any advice or insights. Karl (and many others here) are an invaluable resource, and always brings to mind the tribute given to Isaac Newton upon his death:

[B}Mortals, congratulate yourselves that so great a man has lived for the benefit of your species.[/B]
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