The LIE About "Rare" and "Unconnected"
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2021-05-25 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 1008 references Ignore this thread
The LIE About "Rare" and "Unconnected" *
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"Mild" reports eh?

The Centers for Disease Control is investigating a small number of young adults and adolescents who may have experienced heart problems following a COVID-19 vaccine, though the agency stressed that it is unclear the vaccine is responsible. 

There have been "relatively few" reports of myocarditis and "most cases appear to be mild," but the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group said it felt the potential issue should be communicated to providers. 

The CDC says that 10-20 cases of this disorder happen in young adults and adolescents per 100,000 per year.  Let's take that at face value which would mean (at the "worst" end of the range) it's 200 per million.  But a 2 day range is 0.0055 of a year, so to bracket that to "about 4 days" means that the odds are approximately 1 case per million people in that age group stabbed.  So therefore if you jabbed 20 million people in this age group you should see about 20 cases during that couple of day period of time.

Go read the article on the other side about probability then come back here.

Then consider that Connecticut, a tiny state of 3.6 million population total, has at least 18 cases of this condition.  This means nationally it's not a few dozen cases -- it's more like 2,000 or one hundred times what the CDC is admitting.  Note that the entire cohort in question that can get the shots is about 60 million people and of those only about 15% have had the shot, if that, so this means the odds are not all that rare; it's about 1/4,500 which is approximately ten times the fatality rate of Covid-19 in that group.

Bluntly put if you're healthy you're stupid to take the jab in that age cohort and your parents, if they got you jabbed, should go to prison for felony assault and child abuse.

So this isn't a safety signal, right?

Wrong, because no cases were noted in people except in that right at 4 day window.  None were noted, for example, after the first jab, only the second, with a two week window of time between the two and yet the surveillance of said people begins on the day they get the first dose.

If the events were in fact random and not caused by the shots they would be randomly distributed over a four week period from the first jab until 2 weeks after the last.  They're not; they're all concentrated in a couple of day period after the second jab.

The odds of this cluster occurring by random chance can be computed but when the actual incidence is not across "a few dozen" events (let's call it three) it is happening at a rate 100 times that as well you need more zeros than there are on the odds of a dinosaur-killing asteroid impact next week.

This is, I remind you, a group of people who almost never suffer serious outcomes from Covid-19 absent significant comorbid events such as, for example, fighting leukemia at the time.

The fact that these cases are not random but all cluster right around day 4 of the second jab while there are zero reports distant from that over the remainder of a one month period is a screaming safety signal standing alone.

Oh, and it's not "a couple dozen" cases either.  It's over 2,000 cases.  The CDC is LYING.

THESE SHOTS MUST BE STOPPED IN ALL PERSONS IN THIS AGE RANGE NOW as the premise that such events are "mild" and do not impart permanent injury is complete crap.  Heart damage is often permanent and this condition is the third leading cause of sudden death in children and young adults.

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