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 Serious (And Ignored) Vaccine Risk
Nenadcuic 32 posts, incept 2020-04-18
2021-02-08 16:06:46

post 7.
Posts: 7
Incept: 2021-01-15 2-8-2021 I read the 2008 study that Fauci produced, stating that in the Spanish Flue epidemic, most folks died from bacterial pneumonia , not the virus itself. The virus just made it easier for the bacteria to enter the lungs. That at least was my understanding.

Assuming that is correct, would not massive intravenous antibiotics stop the deaths ? I did see where some of the ivermectin treatment protocols included doxycycline , but others did not. This seems so obvious, I must be missing something.

My Reply: That is right. On a youtube video I watch several months ago, (about 45 minutes) researchers in Bangladesh and Calcutta include doxycycline in the protocols (recommended treatments) along with ivermectin, and D3, The FLCCC Alliance recommends the supplement QUERCETIN, Powerful Immune & Respiratory Support) in as much as MDs wont give you doxycycline (which is also available for pets but requires an Rx). Most wont even give you ivermectin which is available by prescription in 3mg doses. Their philosophy is if you are not part of the medical guild statyout! The most important supplement FLCCC recommended was the ivermectin. Success rate was almost 100%.
There is also a short video available on youtube which describes Indias experience with various treatments for Covid-19. Here is the part that caught my attention having visited India several times, especially the state of Bihar.
India selected two states in which they treated Covid-19 patients exclusively with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (brand name in U.S. Plaquenil). These two state were Bihar, and I believe Uttar Pradesh. The total population of these two states is much greater than all of the U.S.
The result was that these two states had the lowest mortality rate in entire India. And the ivermectin treated patients survival rate was much higher than the hydroxychloroquine patients treated. In other words, both these treatments worked.
I will add this: India, with 1 billion, 200 million and counting has a significantly lower death rate from Covid-19 than the U.S. or Europe. In addition, India has an active program of distribution of drugs and treatment intervention to poor 3rd world countries for free. This is not mentioned in the main stream media but I can post the link if anyone cares.
India has also developed three (3) vaccines which they are providing for free to their population and those countries in which they are providing aid.
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