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 Serious (And Ignored) Vaccine Risk
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-02-08 11:42:00

@Inspectrcalahan - Undoubtedly with the Spanish Flu mask mandates made it WORSE, since bacteria are a complete organism and thus they will flourish on a mask. Inhale THAT while you're compromised and you are very likely to be fucked.

There were no antibiotics at the time, so if you got a systemic bacterial infection you were screwed.

Covid-19, however, when it kills appears to kill most of the time via immune dysregulation and specifically via thrombotic activity in the lungs. This is why ventilators don't work; no gas exchange in the lungs plus the risk of physical damage (always present with a vent) = death.

But - we know how to detect that and are deliberately not doing it. Specifically, we've known since March/April of last year that d-Dimer is elevated with troponin levels are normal in these persons who are getting hammered in this way. Troponins are a marker for cardiac damage so when absent but d-Dimer is elevated that points directly to this problem.

We also know how to limit that risk early; most people can (and arguably probably should) take mild anti-coagulants (e.g. an aspirin a day) at the outset of Covid assuming they do not have a condition that makes that unwise (e.g. ulcers, etc.) There was some concern early on that because these drugs (and many high blood pressure medications) interact with ACE2 they might be dangerous. That was disproved by late spring. And further, we know how to treat clotting disorders in the hospital and, from what I can tell, in most places we're not doing THAT either. FLCCC has the protocol for it and, from the evidence, it WORKS. No, not 100% of the time, but the differences are impressive.

We ALSO know that steroids (which are immune suppressants) are useful BUT timing-dependent. You DO NOT want to use them while viral replication is going on as that's bad, but AFTER that they're useful. Immune modulators on the other hand do not appear to have a potentiating problem early on -- Ivermectin is in this group, and in fact it appears to be effective throughout the disease course, which is very useful.

We have learned a LOT but we're using damn little of that knowledge on the ground today. The doctors who ARE using it are seeing wildly-different (lower) hospital admission rates; the strategies vary somewhat, but all are following what they see in clinical use, where the so-called "official recommendation" REMAINS "do nothing until you can't breathe."

That's flat-out bullshit and is killing people.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."
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