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 So About The Biden 'Loophole' Stuff...
Ingar 834 posts, incept 2017-02-14
2024-04-19 08:29:02

The government is constantly misinforming the public about the meaning and intent of the second amendment. They'd have us believe that it's about sporting purposes. That was the language used by the ATF under the 68 Gun Control Act to prohibit the importation of certain types of firearms. The 2nd Amendment was meant to prohibit the USA having a standing army that could be used to subjugate the people. A well armed and trained militia could make short work of any would be despot. Were the intent of the 2nd Amendment followed, America could not have engaged in foreign adventures that have cost the country a lot of blood and treasure. Look at the volatile situation in the middle east and we see "our" government chomping at the bit to intervene to protect their major donors favorite country there.

The regulation of interstate commerce will eventually be used to erode the second amendment rights of the people.

You can still buy an automatic weapon which is particularly well suited for militia and military purposes as described in the second amendment. The problem is that the number of such weapons was frozen to those in place in the country at the time of the enactment of the Hughes act in 1986. So to exercise that right, you have to have thousands of dollars to be able to afford purchasing said weapon. This is tantamount to limiting the number of voters in the USA to the number that existed in 1986. Anyone coming along later is out of luck in exercising the franchise,

I believe that a DA in the Idaho county where the Ruby Ridge murders were conducted by the feds was attempting to prosecute the killers in state court. He may have been bought off with the promise of a federal career or threatened , but he dropped the case. I don't think there is a statute of limitations on murder, so charges could conceivably still be brought and should be.
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