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 Coof Wars Epilogue
Lt.slothrop 142 posts, incept 2023-05-01
2023-05-02 15:27:55


Thank you for your comment.

As previously cited, the "It was all about money" is certainly the most palatable (least scary) of all scenarios, and would be the most obvious one cuz... money. We've seen it before in Pharma, Healthcare, Insurance, Heavy-Industry (polluters hurting/ killing people and then "Nothing to see here! What birth defects? Oh, shoot, you found our internal memorandums proving we KNEW our Teflon plant making a billion a year was causing birth defects in pregnant employees, and we tried to cover it up to keep the profit party going so... whoops! How much do we owe?") so yeah, it's the logical hypothesis, the default go-to. Human nature doesn't change, and greed tends to rear it's ugly head the most, when institutions and companies are caught maiming and killing people.

The Shamdemic and Jabs: I dunno. It feels bigger to me than just greed. It looks bigger, the shear supra-national scope of it, and the way the First World Mainstream Disinfodustrial Complex has been so consistently on board to run cover for it, across the globe. It's a massive project of full-spectrum collusion and perception management, the biggest psyop in history. They're so rigid in this policy that they don't even care how obvious it is they're lying, or that they've literally signed their own death warrants with regards to integrity and legitimacy to protect this massive, global crime. It smells like fear on their part. Who has the everage to swing that? Pfizer? The Healthocrats in Pharma's pocket? I don't think so, and even an old "conspiracy theorist" like me who hasn't trusted those media scumbags since Iraq 2.0, I'm completely, utterly stunned with this one. It's the biggest story in the history of journalism, yet it's so radioactive to them. Is the dam leaking? A little bit. Is it gonna break? Time will tell.

I also think it's a worthy conversation, the 'why' They did it... something we need to pull the meat of the bone of, if we're truly going to understand wtf happened over the last 3 years, and how, by some miracle of #GOD and Providence, The People, IF they can park their petty Culture War Kool Aid and political polarization, can come together as a united citizenry to see it, process it, and demand the scalps due for it.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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