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 Amnesty? Absolutely NOT
Workerbee23 312 posts, incept 2021-09-15
2022-11-02 12:38:36

I am so lucky to have a family that doesn't put up with much. My youngest sibling can be a total bitch but she has stared down and browbeaten multiple "medical" personnel when it came to my parents even being tested for covid.
My heart breaks for those who lost loved ones trapped in hospitals and care homes, unable to visit or be with them as they died. But I can tell you one thing. If any family member of mine was in such a place, this bitch right here would have gathered as many family members, friends and even like minded strangers and stormed any building that held my loved one and not left until they were in my care. Period. You **** with me or mine and I will spend the rest of my life making your life hell.
If enough people had the stones to do such a thing, a lot of this wouldn't have happened. As Karl has pointed out many times, it only take a small percentage of people to force change.
Only ten people allowed for a loved ones funeral? Have everyone show up, park all the way around the cemetery and walk to the gravesite. What are they going to do? call the cops? ok. by the time they get there, the ceremony would be over. **** them all.

Forgiveness? No. It's said that not forgiving becomes a burden but that's a burden I will willingly carry for as long as necessary. It will be a reminder to always be wary, to keep my eyes open for the next round of bull**** that will be coming our way.

Amnesty, what a joke. Amnesty is when I have you on your knees and you're begging for the life of your children as you know yours is going to end, and I acquiesce.

There's your ****ing amnesty.
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