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 Amnesty? Absolutely NOT
Don24mac 454 posts, incept 2007-11-26
2022-11-01 10:17:15

I knew right from the start that those masks didn't work. When I worked in the nuclear industry (nuke power plant outages) masks were required to keep one from breathing in radioactive particulate in the containment area. We had to shave any beards and wear these specific masks that were fitted to each of us and undergo extensive training also, just in wearing those masks.

When I saw the N95 masks being pushed, and without even requiring the shaving of beards and such, I knew it was a scam. First, because any virus would pass right through those masks, and second, if you had a beard such as myself, you could absolutely NOT get an adequate seal around your face. They didn't help even a little bit.

There were people I knew that I worked with in those nuke plant jobs that also should have known this. But they told me I was wrong--that the masks would prevent infection.

Yet, they seem to be getting the virus multiple times, now. And they even say that without those increasing numbers of shots, they probably would have been sicker.

I will say I and the wife tested positive with Covid once and it didn't even put me into bed. It lasted only about two days with a snuffly nose and slight sore throat. That was it.

I was recently called by a couple that we went out to dinner with that got Covid for about a week and a half. We had ridden in their car for the three hour round trip the previous day as they coughed and snuffled. When they got back they tested and found that they had the Covid, then called to let us know.

Of course, we had had it already so we didn't catch it from them, even after being in a car for the three hours with them.

I did remember what they said to us when we came down with it months ago and us not having the shots. But, I simply kept my mouth shut when they both caught it and had a much worse reaction to it after taking all the shots and boosters.

" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." --Samuel Adams
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