671 posts, incept 2021-07-20
2021-08-21 18:31:05
When this ****show finally blows up in their psychotic faces, you can bet the favorite excuse is already teed up and ready to go, "nobody could have seen this coming". Along with, "All the experts agreed". I like to connect the dots. If you don't think the gun control push and the recent Russian ammo and gun ban aren't part of the big picture, you're delusional. It's a good thing they're incompetent and didn't get the real gun control they wanted. They've been trying to dry up the ammo supply, but it really isn't working. Most of the true "gun types" stocked up long ago along with the components to reload. The Afghan mess also blows Pedo Joe's "you'd need F-15's and nuclear weapons to take on the government" bull**** right out of the water. They have to keep pushing to vaxx everyone, they have no other option. I doubt they're going to stop the madness anytime soon, people have to die in BIG numbers to turn the tide.