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 Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
Hobbled 306 posts, incept 2011-02-09
2021-08-03 10:29:51

One thing I hate beyond measure and may never see my way clesr to forgive is doctors, hospitals and care facilities. They are scaring the ever living daylights out of peeps AND holding you and loved ones hostage in order to get you jabbed with the Clot Shot. No poke no visit, no shot no appointment. Ungorgivesble propaganda and medical tyranny.

I fear more going to a doc than not. If they are this brazen I have zero, nada, zilch faith in their ability to care for or diagnose my health. Nearly 60 y.o. and neither me or my wife (don't ask me her age, unless you wish me ill) take daily meds, just the vitamin concoction to keep things in level. Right now I will trust in God's providence to kerp me going. I will die of a broken body before I inject poison into my system - voluntary or involuntary.
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