212k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-08-03 08:52:51
@Conventional_wiz -
I have a dumb question:
What is the proof that the vaccines are non-sterilizing?
The trials themselves. They acknowledge in the original documents that they do not prevent infection and in fact the original trials were not statistically powered to test that, nor were they designed to test it (e.g. weekly surveillance PCR testing of all participants.) This was dog**** from the start, and intentional; they knew, likely from the aborted animal trials they did, that this was the case.
Is it possible to have a sterilizing vaccine that has a non-zero rate of breakthrough infections like we are seeing? In other words, is it possible to have a sterilizing vaccine that just has a lower "hit rate" than would be desired?
Yes. The measles vaccine is sterilizing but not 100% effective, for example.
vaccine failure is not the same thing as a non-sterilizing vaccine.
"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."