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 Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid
Maddmaxx 1k posts, incept 2021-05-31
2021-08-03 15:19:23

From the IM Doc:

"IM Doc
August 3, 2021 at 3:04 pm
This is just my opinion.

I know from talking to numerous patients daily that work related or social vaccine mandates are just not going to work. This is true for the vast majority of the vaccine hesitant I see every day.

I do not feel these elites have really thought this all through.

Because of the immense bumbling and the orgy of lies, these people are just not going to do it. So I guess they will be fired, and those that cannot find other employment (not very difficult in the economy right now to find other work) are going to join the already massive homeless problem.

What really bothers me is the next step that they must take if they pursue this strategy. Something like calling out the National Guard, holding people down and forcing the shots in. I can only imagine what would happen in the South places like Joplin or Baton Rouge. But, my God, what is going to happen when they start into inner city Atlanta or Houston and start doing this to the minorities. Again, if they keep going down the road they are on, this is exactly where we will be.

I am not sure the law enforcement authorities will be obliging themselves to follow the elites over that cliff. Oh, the elites will have CNN covering it as mostly peaceful but I do not think that is going to work this time.

Even beginning to go down this path like they are now is all the proof I need to know that these people have completely lost their marbles. We are being led to the abyss by complete numbskulls. I do not believe they have a thing to be ashamed of when compared to the Romanovs or the French nobility circa 1785.

Just my two cents. Lord help us all. They really do seem to want a civil war."

All this for a virus that is just how lethal? Imagine what they might do with a Pandemic on the order of the Spanish Flu .
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