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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-04-21 16:34:45

@Finzer_52 - Lots of deaths not caused by disease, but counted as "Covid" because causality for Covid was not required to be established but IS for all other conditions.

If I wrap my motorcycle around a tree and am Covid-19 positive that COUNTS as a Covid-19 death by the CDC.

Note that from the BLS data I find a downward deviation in the expected growth rate of the population that is of approximately the same size. That's an uncorrelated data set. The SSA data appears to confirm this and that's likely very solid since <5% of Covid-related "Deaths" occurred in younger people; the median age is in fact approximately equal to that of current-person US life expectancy.

That's TWO uncorrelated data sets.

There are lots of reasons people die but that you die doesn't mean a particular thing was responsible absent causation. For example just from the start of lockdown to July I cataloged a HUGE increase in OD deaths. Those were clearly not caused by Covid, but plenty of people probably had it and thus "got counted."

I left the Covid numbers out of the analysis for a reason - the CDC deliberately changed the classification rules so that any positive test within 28 days, or post-mortem, causes it to count as "causal." That's flat-out bullshit.

In short we killed a lot of people with our policies -- far more than the virus did. They're dead all right, but the virus itself isn't why they're dead. What we did in response is why they died.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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