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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Frankphd 9 posts, incept 2010-01-16
2021-04-20 18:12:19

Long time Lurker here. KD thanks for all the work you do for this Forum. I work with people in India and am on video calls with them multiple times a week. In Delhi and Mumbai Covid is rampant now. The hospitals are all full, people are being turned away and they report on many deaths. The online counts for deaths remain at 1% of cases. Anecdotally everyone knows people with Covid. They had been giving Ivermectin, doxycycline and a few others things including Vit. C.
Now they are running out of Ivermictin, oxygen talks, etc. (Not a surprise because basic work-flows don't work very well there.)
Everyone I know there who has had it recovered - but these are educated people with access to good healthcare.
I've been to India several times. It's filthy with terrible pollution and trash all over the place and people living under bridges and highways all around. The sanitation is terrible for the general population so no surprise Covid thrives.

Separaate topic - as many commenters have noted here about people they know getting the vax, almost everyone I know has gotten it or plans too. They are shocked when I tell them I'm not getting it and when I start to tell them why they say their doc told them to get it, or the gov says it's safe, etc. I tell them I have medicine to treat it and will do so if I get it. Then I explain that there are known cures that are not being used until people are in a hospital and they look at my like I'm nuts. So now I just tell them I'm holding out because I had a bad reaction to my most recent vaccine (shingles), which is true.

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