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 Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2021-04-20 13:42:24

@Kareninca - Yes. They would show up as "Cancer" in these charts; I deliberately ignored the "Covid" entries because the rule change means they're not required to be in the causal chain; Covid is PRESUMED causal if you had a positive PCR test within the previous month.

So take my late mother; she died of colon cancer. Let's say she lived into 2020 and then got the Coof and died.

She'd be counted in both lines; Covid-19 "death" (whether it really got her or not, as long as she was positive) AND the "Cancer" line.

The heart attack and stroke increase is perfectly explained by the spike protein causing clotting. The really, really ugly part of it is that by the CDC numbers that 7-8% elevation in risk, which was statistically identical, is only across the 10% of the population that got Covid. That's VERY BAD as it implies that risk across the ENTIRE population could easily DOUBLE.

If the spike is responsible for that on its own then mass-vaccination with the spike could EASILY cause a wild escalation of heart attack and stroke risk.

This is where I got my 10% "guess" in my previous article, but that's actually pretty damned conservative -- depending on exactly how ugly that risk is (and the science is very, very new on that right now all you have is an educated guess) it could EASILY be double that.

We could easily be talking another ~60-70,000 dead a YEAR and another 150,000 permanently disabled EVERY YEAR INTO THE FUTURE from the vaccines.

That will make what Covid killed look like a Girl Scout picnic within a couple of years and it will NOT STOP either since that risk is almost-certainly a lifelong elevation as the usual mechanism of clot-dissolution was noted NOT to work for spike-initiated clotting. In other words if it's in there the odds are it will eventually mobilize and get you -- the only question is where it winds up as to how bad it is.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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