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 2020-11-28 Calling BS
Depression2020 170 posts, incept 2020-03-20
2020-11-29 19:07:59

Nice video Karl! That would be a good one to get into the Q&A feeds for various CNBS talking heads...see if they put it on air (and what spin they put on it).

I saw this clip on CNBS the other day: Interesting comments from a hospital director in New Jersey. Noteworthy parts included comments about the similar symptoms between the flu and CV-19, commentary about the annual loss of 70-80k people from the flu, and the improvement in treatment protocols compared with the sping. Like you I've noted that flu deaths are featured each year on a running chiron on cable news channels, with segments to spread hysteria every hour. I know people on this board are familiar with the remarkable disappearance of flu deaths in 2020. We've all had a good laugh about the Mask Cultists attribution to reduction of flu deaths to wearing masks, followed by their reeeeing that if people only masked harder than CV-19 would go away.

In the pursuit of happiness, I drove an hour up to Baltimore and binged on over 20 hours poker over the weekend. There were over 100 people in the poker room alone, with hundreds more throughout the casino. There were a few loud/outspoken Karens among the players and dealers, but most couldn't give a **** (e.g. wearing compliance chin diapers with mouth and nose exposed). The poker chips were just as dirty and sticky as ever, with the occasional need to pry apart two chips that were stuck together. The poker room at at National Harbor (DC) is open too, but their CV-19 rules are significantly more restrictive (less players/table, no seat or table changes, etc) because SCIENCE (er BS edicts).

Too many in casino crowd and among my co-workers (i.e. half the population) have been so programed by the government propaganda campaign, that it would probably take ritual suicide by a large group of Democrat CV-19 cultists to break the spell. Many are prepared for and have strong (outspoken) support for new lockdowns and wearing masks for years to come.

I've noted in the local news that elsewhere in Baltimore most schools reopened for in-person learning, but the teachers' union is still aggressively resisting the re-openings and is supporting calls to shut many back down. Teachers' union behavior towards school reopenings has been blatantly political, since teachers' unions across the country started making demands unrelated to CV-19 to reopen (e.g. Los Angeles).
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