Very slowly Americans seem to be waking up to this criminal fraud.
Yes, it would seem so.
We're more than two months into this panic now, a panic over a virus that was ostensibly spreading exponentially, with a doubling time of only a few days, and killing 3-5% of everyone who got infected.
Yet most people still don't know anyone who's had a symptomatic case, much less died of it. Heck most people don't even know someone who knows anyone who's had it, much less died of it. And if they do know someone (or know someone who knows someone) that's died of it, they've likely come to realize that the deceased was past their "expiration date" anyway.
In other words, the fear that was induced by the media hype is starting to dissipate.
My daughter is up in Montgomery County, PA (adjacent to Philly). The county is still "shut down" by Governor Wolfenstein's executive order. She goes grocery shopping regularly. She says a month ago, the fear in grocery stores was very noticeable. She went grocery shopping yesterday and remarked that people are back to nearly normal again (except for wearing masks, which is mandatory there).
It's also visible in terms of traffic on the roads, which is definitely increasing, even in areas that are supposedly still on "lock down".
Now will most people realize they were deceived, most likely intentionally, i.e. that this was a "criminal fraud" or a psyop? My guess is that they won't. They'll mentally write it off as having been necessary out of an "abundance of caution".