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User Info Damning Data Hands Up An Indictment; entered at 2021-04-20 08:21:50
Posts: 4776
Registered: 2012-04-19 Far from Diversity
Thank you Karl for the work you do. Proof of what I already suspected. If we had journalists in this nation that actually cared about disseminating the news and not fanning race wars maybe one could expect some outrage. Instead 99% of the people I see out there are getting their news from the 4th Estate MSM - or - from "friends" on Facebook/Twitter/et. al. They think Covid is a pandemic that can only be fixed with an experimental vax and that every police officer tries to murder a black man before their shift ends.

I did my level best to warn people but the final straw for me was Easter dinner where an Uncle went on a rant that "we have to take the vax to get back to normal" I countered that Covid simply DOES NOT KILL PEOPLE if treated appropriately but that did not matter to him. You can't fix stupid and well...most of the world is stupid. Nobody under my roof is getting the jab. The ONLY people I'm actively trying to stop from getting the jab are my niece and nephew. I don't want their parents sacrificing them on the alter of Dr. Fraudci. Everyone else, not wasting my breath. I tried with several family members to no avail. If people that know me and hopefully trust me don't give a wet crap about the truth seems kinda pointless to preach to others that are even less likely to listen.
2021-04-20 08:21:50