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User Info The People Should Be Skeptical; entered at 2021-02-12 08:46:33
Posts: 3020
Registered: 2012-10-28
"Its all droplets"; Yes, it most-certainly was "droplets" between apartments in Hong Kong and China separated by ten floors with people who did not know each other, but who shared sinks and toilets on the same vertical drain line without P-traps.

I'm not confident that this statement is 100% correct. It is my understanding that they had non-functional P-Traps in the floor drains. P-Traps require water to work, and if a drain goes unused for a significant period of time, the water evaporates. Floor drains are rarely maintained. The recommended solution was to pour water down the drain once a month.

... but I also may be getting my studies mixed up. I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese construction techniques are that poor. Overall the conclusion is the same: It travels on pooparticles.
2021-02-12 08:46:33