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User Info Medical Fraud For Political Purpose; entered at 2020-06-04 18:34:40
Posts: 2014
Registered: 2018-12-04 Land of the Lost
They are still trying to discredit HCQ.

If you read that... they didn't even test people to see if they were positive or not, just went off symptoms. And it was only to see if HCQ would keep you from getting the virus. "While not a primary goal, the study also found no increased protection for participants who also took zinc or vitamin C. A separate study suggested that zinc could boost the effectiveness of chloroquine, but even if thats true, the U authors noted that most Americans consume enough zinc already so supplements shouldnt be needed."

Another complete garbage study. I had to laugh when I read they never even tested all of the people in the study to see if they really did have the virus or something else.
2020-06-04 18:34:40