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 The Likely Future Path: YOU WERE WARNED
Raven 18k posts, incept 2017-06-27
2020-12-10 21:42:45

something just occurred to me. After this article gets passed around enough or some form of the wisdom contained herein reaches people, i can just see how many houses, businesses and other assets are going to be transferred from parents to their children. Other asset protection schemes are soon to be a big industry. I expect this to occur even if parents are still in their early fifties. BTW: it is not a good idea to do this in most cases, but it will be done.

Would like to note for people a recent example of government capriciousness. Young man, just turned legal age (18), who i know has an autoimmune condition that really affected his intestines. He got it under control and is no stranger to working hard since a lot of the formative years got messed up. Before he turned even 17 his single mother got him on disability and collected on his behalf roughly 20K. She is not the problem and took care of him with these resources. Drum roll. The SSA disability program determined after he was 18 that some aspect of his condition was not recognized as a disability and withdrew the payments retroactively. Since his mother has no assets, they are demanding it all back from him. He never made the decision to apply. Yet, he is on the hook and dealing with potential garnishments as he gets started in life. This is all types of wrong and implies other things.

The sky is the limit.

Would respectfully add to Karl's list of possible actions that states in conjunction with the feds could possibly use the filial responsibility laws. Some areas where families support the concept of gerontocracy and make manipulating, controlling and restraining their children a performance art so that they can use them are no doubt going to vote for the formalization of this concept. I think we are going to see in this a grab fest where it is going to be parent against child and the reverse as each one tries to preemptively screw the other. Live in my community and you got a front row seat. Ask any family or elder law attorney for a few stories and get ready to be sick.

Another nice little tidbit that could come back to haunt people. Lots of people with assets, who retired early or just have a situation that works such as living with parents waiting for them to die, whatever, qualify for Medicaid by income only, not assets. They figure that they got it made. Well, what if the government decides to recover this? Right now the cutoff is age 55. Everyone younger figures that they are good until then. I know people who took five or more years off from work with nary a care about healthcare or risking assets or savings. This was not possible before Oslobcare. Purchasing health insurance as an individual and definitely a family was very expensive and did not offer the greatest coverage.

i have cautioned people for years to take a silver plan. What happens when someone who took the Millennial generation travel plan, completely covered by Oslobcare, gets a windfall inheritance?

This could get ugly.

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