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 The Likely Future Path: YOU WERE WARNED
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2020-12-07 10:45:29

@Augeries - There will likely be some limited ways around it to a degree but most of them will be impractical for anyone who doesn't have tens of millions to work with. It's a numbers game; they don't care about whether the 0.1% can evade it, in fact they like that since those people are "important."

All the "soak the rich" proposals, where "rich" includes people like Bezos, are non-starters simply because there aren't enough of them. You could confiscate ALL of their wealth and would get nowhere, plus it's a one-time shot as they can shove it up the IRS' ass sideways by simply leaving and making their money somewhere else or distributing it around and giving the finger to the government. What are you going to do to them when you get down to it? The guy who owns a 300' yacht doesn't give a wet crap about your bull****; if you******him off enough he will reflag it (if he hasn't already) and go live on it, giving you the bird and you've got exactly nothing you can do to him as he'll do it entirely within the law. But -- he stops generating taxes in the US and thus all your screaming just cost you a ****-ton of money. Thus it never happens despite all the screaming to do it and the claims that they are; not only does it not help the blowback from them would be immense and they can make it hurt.

That's why the ass****ing always falls on the "nouveaux riche" down to the "doing good" and whatever people think of as "upper to middle class." The working poor don't have enough to take without them being immediately tossed into the street but that range from the 40% to 99% most-certainly do and since they're the wild bulk of the actual cash it's where the ****ing always is and will be focused.

Those who think they can "work the system", which is most folks, are going to find out the retroactive clawbacks are murderous. That's the difference; most of the so-called "nouveaux riche" really aren't wealthy at all; they're levered up to their eyeballs and then run up a six figure medical bill that would whack half their estate if they had to pay it but Medicare got the bill so they figure "ha ha ha look at me I got you!"

Bad guess *******; Daddy Government is going to grab all the equity remaining when you die.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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