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 The Likely Future Path: YOU WERE WARNED
Augeries 445 posts, incept 2019-09-26
2020-12-07 10:34:44

So is there any way around inheritance liens via gifts and such? Say my parents spend their money on buying shit for the kids and grand kids, material goods? (ammo lol). I'd like to help them deny the .gov of as much as possible. I'm sure they'd be in for it.

They've spend a lot of money like putting us thru college, vacations, to the house, how the hell does that sort of shit figure in? If we sell the house before they die, and they hand us the money off the bat, what does the .gov do? I'm seeing a lot of avenues for the .gov to do some ass fucking. For sure they'll make it complicated enough that the average american won't be able to process it and thus won't really notice, not in the way they should.

I will for sure be adjusting away from ROTH. Finding this forum was one of the top highlights of my past couple years. I always learn something new, and it's usually something incredibly useful, from this Roth shit, to sugar alcohols as mouth sanitizers, all the way back to the truth about the 737 Max (which is how I found this blog). To TG and friends, thank you for sharing your knowledge for free. I am very grateful.

The World is Quiet Here.
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