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User Info So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?; entered at 2024-08-18 22:47:42
Posts: 452
Registered: 2022-01-15
Thanks Karl, fully agree.
In my travels of dealing with NPCs, there's two main factors at play

1. Relentless propaganda from the Marxists (I won't go further on this as it's well covered in other threads)

2. Westerners, even above average IQ, are convinced that society can never regress. There is only an upwards, linear progression in 'quality of life'. They believe the West is nearly perfect, and therefore it's time to uplift the rest of the world. If they do accept a flaw, it's only because (right wing) government deliberately tries to keep certain citizens in the ground.

I find it amazing that such smart people cannot fathom that society, let alone a high trust, welfare state, is enormously fickle.

I also get frustrated that people are so ungrateful and naive, and cannot see that we live in such comfortably societies because of traits, work, and sacrifice by christian caucasian patriarchs. People will complain about this group, but will NEVER vote with their feet and move to a country not built by this relatively small demographic.

Once again, highly analytical and smart people were all in with the pandemic measures, despite the fact that the 'medicine' with EUA and untested; masking was demonstrably false; 6 foot rule had no scientific backing; the goalposts kept changing; and the case and death and hospital bed numbers thrown around were clear data manipulation.

You can argue that the government has been 'good' to us since WW2 (dominant industry, and then riding the wave of currency devaluation and mass immigration to hide GDP was good for a small cohort of people). Why would anyone question a handler that has made their life so easy?

So, is this a case of 'it has to get worse before it can get better'?
Like a boom and bust cycle, we need to hit the bottom and clear out the cobwebs?
2024-08-18 22:47:42