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User Info No Cure, No Pay; entered at 2023-03-25 11:43:25
Posts: 18326
Registered: 2017-06-27 Farthest Right
While i am highlighting bully behavior, let me also mention something which i saw in white spades in my old community.

ALL, NOT SOME, ALL of the tough guy types, you know the ones who have been bullies since grade school, borderline criminals if not actually or hanging around with them, the in-your-face loudmouths who do their own thing regardless of who likes it, you get the idea; what did they do?

THEY WERE ALL MASKHOLES, locking themselves up, worrying, getting shots, worried about others touching them or being near them and giving in to the females in their lives imposing caution on them at all times. Once again, you get the idea.

I never saw so much fear in my life and enjoyed every minute of it.

Almost appreciate the authorities for this fucking mess even with my own losses due to said mess as it was the greatest entertainment and validation of who are really WIMPS.
2023-03-25 11:43:25