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User Info ESG Is....A FELONY; entered at 2022-06-18 09:17:34
Posts: 173
Registered: 2015-12-10 Canada
"A reasonable postulate for virtually every thing that is wrong in the US -- and much of the rest of the world -- can be stated as 'selective prosecution has ruined the world, and cannot be fixed until the people enforce equal application of the law.'"

That's the basic cause of everything wrong with every civilization ever. And that's why they all eventually die.

All human law codes are a weapon to be used to ensure the tax-slaves keep coughing up treasure, on pain of death if they refuse.

The ruling class are free to use the proceeds to do whatever they damn well want to do without meaningful consequences, short of barbarians showing up at the gates to loot their palaces and carry off their daughters. By then it's too late to correct course.

It's good to be king---until you aren't king any more.
2022-06-18 09:17:34