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User Info Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy; entered at 2022-01-04 10:47:02
Posts: 206343
Registered: 2007-06-26
@Kgmqt -
So, for the electric you are figuring from the power plant to the wheels, but for ICE it is only from the fuel tank to the wheels. Do you also need to add in the distribution cost of the fuel from the refinery to the tank to be apples to apples? I know it is small, but should be added as well.

I also could count the loss in the EV batteries overnight too (which isn't zero) but its in the same magnitude.

An OTR truck in the US is typically limited to 80,000lbs gross. Gas and diesel have somewhat less mass than water (~6lbs/gal for gas, about 7 for diesel) so the typical maximum load is around 10,000 gallons (you must of course also include in the gross the weight of the cab and empty tanker/trailer.) This is why your typical fuel tank at a gas station is sized at 12k/gal (some are multiples of this, but that's the usual "base"); enough to take a full load with the residual being sufficient so it doesn't run out before the truck gets there.

The average OTR truck gets ~6mpg so even with a 100 mile run from the terminal to the station (which is wildly above average) the loss there is well under 1% and thus can be reasonably ignored, just as you can reasonably ignore self-discharge overnight or over a couple of days in an EV -- even though it DOES happen and DOES count its not enough to change the figures appreciably.
2022-01-04 10:47:02