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User Info Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy; entered at 2022-01-04 03:50:59
Posts: 562
Registered: 2021-09-02
"But for those who are, I have seen some who are very pro-hydrogen claim that using hydrogen metal hydrides allows for safe storage and use."

Did you know that there are different "colors" of hydrogen and some of them are considers as "bad" or even "worse" than fossil fuels? Because like the coof and the vex, what they say it's all about is never what it's all about, which is in one way or another to eliminate your ability to resist, like limiting your mobility and access to necessities.

Of course, given a few years of their Net Zero utopia, and we'll be hearing about the new "miracle" of the hydrogenation of coal for the manufacture, and maintenance and replacement of all their "renewable" wunderwaffe.

2022-01-04 03:50:59