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User Info Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy; entered at 2022-01-03 19:00:50
Posts: 3382
Registered: 2021-07-10 FEMA Region 4
It is really about transitioning to a two-tiered society. The ultra-rich, and the rest of us.

The elites hate the fact that we can travel. They just want us to stay at home (under "lockdown") and go into work and make widgets for them. No vacations. No time outside. No play time.

We've already seen travel between countries limited (or even banned in many cases). Intra-country travel has also been banned in some places like Canada and Australia.

And even in the US, National Parks out west are starting to implement restrictive reservation systems to limit and deny access.

EVs sounds great in theory, but the range is limited. Exactly what the controllers want.
2022-01-03 19:00:50