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User Info DELIBERATE Ignorance And Death by 'Health Care'; entered at 2021-09-20 13:13:07
Posts: 2060
Registered: 2009-03-05 Airstrip One
@abelardlindsey "I agree that it is mostly greed. The problem I've always had with the various conspiracy theories is they all require a level of institutional competence that I have never seen in any context whatsoever."

Kinda answered your own question there. You don't NEED competence, you just need greedy, power hungry asshats who'll do anything if it means a couple of extra zeroes get added to their bank account.

This is especially true if your goal is the destruction of society and as many deaths as possible. Again, you don't really need competence for that, as we've seen this last year and a half.

Also, when men like Schwabb, Gates, Soros et al, who are wealthy and powerful enough to legitimately make shit happen rather than being all talk, are openly discussing what they're doing, it kind of stops being a conspiracy 'theory'.
2021-09-20 13:13:07