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User Info Simply Put: **** YOU; entered at 2021-08-21 19:16:02
Posts: 2925
Registered: 2010-05-25 Houston, Texas
I do contract work all over the Southeast... Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and just finished a gig in New Mexico.

It has ever taken more than a couple weeks to find the next gig once I started looking.

Been looking for my next one for a couple months...

Recruiters and agencies ask if I'm Jabbed.
I tell them my medical history is personal, and not pertinent.
About half never call back.

Interviews with companies ask if I'm Jabbed...
I tell them my medical history is personal, and not pertinent.
No call backs, yet.

Beginning to think that that question is responsible.....
2021-08-21 19:16:02