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User Info Here It Comes; entered at 2021-07-23 16:40:07
Posts: 108
Registered: 2015-09-01
I know about John Cullen and his channel. He turned me on to the CDC data base.
More food for thought. According to CDC's data base, the number 1 co-morbidity with the COVID is.....Influenza and related pneumonia. Um........

If one calculates from CDC's own fluview data base, there were 274,000 P&I deaths in the 2019-2020 season. Combine that with P&I deaths so far this year and one comes up with a total of approx. 588,000 P&I deaths.

To date there have been around 626,187 COVID-19 deaths in the US per world-o-meters.
It has been estimated that only 6% of those deaths were SOLELY from the virus.
6% of 626,187 is 37,570. 588,617 thus died WITH co-morbidities.

So, the number of P&I deaths is approximately the same, over roughly the same time period, as the 'viral pandemic' deaths.....
Hey, I'm just running the numbers here.
2021-07-23 16:40:07