Masks: Let Me Be CRYSTAL Clear
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2020-06-25 21:44 by Karl Denninger
in Corruption , 1550 references Ignore this thread
Masks: Let Me Be CRYSTAL Clear *
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There is zero science that the use of masks by the ordinary, unskilled and inattentive public does anything to protect anyone, and there is plenty of evidence that their abusive misuse, which is what an unskilled or inattentive person will do, increases rather than decreases risk because they, whether a "formal mask" or a bandana, concentrates everything that passes through or around it and if you make contact with your hands, which you do any time you "adjust" it, don or doff it, then touch any other person or thing, you transfer dozens or even hundreds of times as much concentrated contamination, including whatever virus particles are included, to that other person or thing.

Yes, you can avoid this through assiduous compliance with protocols for use of masks.  But you won't, I won't, and in fact nobody outside of a formally-trained medical environment does, especially when wearing such a mask for hours at a time or when reusing the same mask.

Everyone with any sort of scientific background knows this.  They know it's fact.  The Surgeon General stated so at the beginning of this pandemic before every single cocksucking virtue signalling bucket of human excrement turned every bit of science on its ear for political gain, exactly as was done with ventilators, contaminated testing materials and willful disregard of the known capacity to differentiate between serious and non-serious cases of this virus within the first WEEKS at a cost of under $20 -- a capability STILL not part of the standard of care published by the NIH and CDC and which, to my knowledge, is not being used anywhere in the United States.  Never mind the nursing home "order" outrage, especially but not limited to the states of New York and Michigan. Every one of these rat bastards, including President Trump, is in part responsible for the death of tens of thousands of Americans and as God is my witness, this nation's people should make damn sure they pay for every one of those deaths.

In addition there is not one scientific study showing masks are effective at actually preventing flu-like viral transmission.  Not one.  There is decades of hard science on respiratory viral transmission.  It is settled.

To this exact point, in addition every single one of these so-called "experts" knew damn well that masks were and are worthless on ordinary people and so do all the governors and mayors.  How do we know this?  Because every single one of them sat back and let thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of individuals take to the streets for a month straight to "protest" the death of a man, including rioting, looting, committing arson and even taking over six city blocks in Seattle, yet none of them sent in a single police officer, "code enforcement" person or anyone else to issue tickets and lock-up violators who did not wear said masks and keep their 6' distances.

In fact many of them including Fauci himself made PUBLIC statements that such "protests" were ok and "important enough" that their "mandate" did not apply and some of them, specifically DC's Mayor, explicitly joined them by giving permission to paint the streets with their protest banners!

That crap started a month ago.  It continued in the "CHOP", where the very same dickhead Inslee who refused to cite even one of the people there who did not maintain that protocol thinks he can issue said orders for everyone else.

Likewise an Oregon County issued a mask order that exempted blacks, proof positive on its face that compliance with said order is nothing more than an act of fealty to a pustule-ridden body of emperors who have been parading around naked while asserting that they are in fact clothed in the finest of silk.

Now the claim is made that "even more" orders are required.  Let me be clear: Either the cause of said increases in cases are from the protests and other actions of millions who ignored said orders without consequence and thus are a punishment leveled upon others for the unlawful acts of those who so-protested, or the protests did not cause the spikes and thus proved that masks do exactly nothing as there was no community spread from the writ-large lack of their use.

In either case the bottom line remains the same; NO American should accept punishment for the acts of others, nor should they accept orders that have no basis in science and fact.  One of these two facts must be true for all mask orders as a matter of simple logic.

Therefore let me make my response, and assert that this should be every American's response to any such order, having been proved by the actions of the very people issuing them that they have exactly nothing to do with public health: NO.

And may I further assert that if you claim to be American, if you claim that a single word of the Constitution has any meaning whatsoever then you must not only also state in a loud, clear voice NO you must also be willing to enforce said reply by any means that may become necessary.

Incidentally, this does not and must not extend only to masks.  Think about it.