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User Info Medical Care And Medical Choices; entered at 2012-01-10 09:11:49
Posts: 204656
Registered: 2007-06-26
Nice to see people getting in shape. I recommend reading, among other books, The Pleasure Trap, if you want to be shocked into eating better. It explains the evolutionary basis for preferring fatty food, and why we keep eating crap even though we know it's bad for us. I never thought of a French Fry as a vegetable oil delivery system (Yuck).

Fats aren't the problem. It's fats PLUS starches (or high-glycemic carbs) that are.

French Fries are not bad because they're fried. They're bad because they're a starch (potatoes) AND fat (what they're cooked in) at the same time, which is the deadly combination.
2012-01-10 09:11:49