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User Info To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations); entered at 2010-08-30 19:50:52
Posts: 9261
Registered: 2009-01-10
Widgeon wrote..
Our "Rights" are in conflict w/ each other if either presses them to their "legal" limit. Historically, that is where the cultural norms that Eleua described are brought in to maintain decency, order, etc.
The only way that rights can work is if everyone's rights are the same. If you claim a right then you must grant the same right to everybody else.

Go ahead and claim that the public space must be kept free from displays of lifestyles that you do not approve if. Just don't get indignant when you aren't allowed to display your religion in public because someone else doesn't want his children exposed to it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
2010-08-30 19:50:52