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User Info To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations); entered at 2010-08-30 19:45:05
Posts: 430
Registered: 2008-05-21 Asylum
I'm asking you why you like debating those issues.

Cause, right now, to me, it merely seem like your putting up resistance because you would like to keep discussing them.

It's the same kind of resistance I see when Karl says something along the line of "let's do something" and people say "we're powerless". Of course, what they actually say is that the system is rigged and that they're too cynical to do anything or that the left is corrupt, whatever it takes to not change the political environment (but I guess, mostly their act) much.

And you'll disagree and say whatever but the end result will still be the maintenance of your own statue quo. Not the world's statue quo but your own, your personnal relationship in regard to the world.
2010-08-30 19:45:05