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2024-10-16 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Personal Health , 720 references Ignore this thread
Imminent Collapse: Prepare NOW *
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Let's me make this clear: Health care as we know it in the US is going to collapse and that collapse is imminent.

Yes, I know, they've "saved" it before.  Obamacare anyone?  But they didn't fix it - they instead threw (printed) credit at the problem, which just made it worse.  If you learned nothing else from Covid this was the lesson you damn well should have learned: No profession in the US gives a wet **** about anything but money anymore -- even if the result is your death.  There is a pile of bodies, over 1 million of them, stacked up at the unholy altar of cash flow from the virus and therapeutic options that we had reason to believe worked, and we later knew did work, were deliberately ignored in favor of very expensive things that did not work.

Ventilators are the poster child for this because we knew in March of 2020 they didn't work.  We knew it because in China they tried them and nearly everyone they used them on died anyway.  Do I need to repost the outcome table from the study published very early on that should have instantly stopped their use?

But they were good for tens of thousands of dollars for each cadaver delivered from the hospital and billions for the companies that made them under the DPA as ordered by Trump.  A worthless "therapy" that simply added agony and expense to your loved one who got shoved in the hole anyway.

We have an epidemic of morbidity in the United States.  All of it is recent.  It is too recent, and too rapid, to be genetic.  It is therefore, with certainty, environmental.  Yet over the last 50+ years we have wildly cleaned up the air, land and water -- and anyone who tells you otherwise either is too young to know or lying.  I'm 61 and lived through the cleanup -- from when the fish were unfit to eat, you couldn't swim safely in said water and the air was foul and full of chemical fumes.  All that is gone.

So that, clearly, isn't the problem.

What is?

We're not sure but we do know what correlates, and there are three, two that are very solid and one a bit less-so: Vaccine administration with adjuvants, specifically aluminum compounds, have exploded in terms of the "recommended schedule" and the per-capita consumption of seed oils and high-fructose corn syrup.  Those three are correlated with the rise of chronic and serious conditions from childhood forward.

Which is responsible?  We do not know.  Quite possibly all three -- or even something else too.  You can't "untake" a shot although there is zero justification (and incidentally this is now confirmed in a few court rulings, so pushback is entirely possible) for any alleged "vaccine" that does not provide sterile immunity -- that is, which does not prevent you from giving the disease to someone else.  Nearly zero of the current shots do this; MMR is one of the notable exceptions that does.  DTaP does not (the original formulation of DTP did -- that was the one they botched and led to immunity from lawsuit), injected polio does not, HPV does not and neither do Covid or flu shots.  Further, Hep-B is a blood-borne disease so giving it to infants is outrageous -- it confers zero benefit in a baby who obviously is neither a sex worker or an IV drug abuser.

What you can do, however, is get the HFCS out of your diet and at the same time get rid of the damned seed oils.

I cannot calibrate the HFCS problem accurately with personal data but on the seed oils I can.  You see, it is virtually impossible to avoid them when eating away from home.  At home its easy since you cooked it and you know what's in it.

An example: I had a box of Granola Bars.  They're part of my "emergency stash" and I took them on a trip because well, you never know.  Calories in a small package, shelf-stable.  So the other day I ate one while driving -- for me, a very low-stress activity (never comes out of the "rest" range except during the few minutes required for me to fill the tank or stop and take a piss.)

My body stress level spiked immediately, within 15 minutes of consuming it, and remained highly elevated for more than two hours without coming back to baseline!  What does it have in it?  Sunflower and/or canola oil.

Then, same day, I went into a Texas Roadhouse and ate "Road Kill" (chopped steak with onions, mushrooms and cheese on top) with the chili and steamed veggies as sides.  That's a full meal and yet I choose it specifically because there are no oils necessary to cook it at all; the fats in the beef are all in the beef itself in both the meat and chili.  That caloric intake, roughly six times the granola bar, barely moved my stress level and within a couple of hours it was back to baseline.

I've also noted that what I thought was a peanut allergy based on a notch test (with a jar of peanut butter) turned out to not be true -- on challenge with dry roasted peanuts (nothing other than them and salt) there was no impact.  There was also no impact with a spoon of "natural" (peanuts and salt) peanut butter as a re-test.  It wasn't the peanuts, in short: Its the damned seed oils in the commercial products.

How do I know all this?  I have a Garmin smartwatch that measures stress levels all day, and in addition gives me overnight HRV which is ridiculously sensitive to the point that I can document the consumption of a mere single beer during a given day.

These results are absolutely, 100% of the time, repeatable.

We must force these "ingredients" to be labeled prominently on packaging for foods, on the front, as dangerous and we further must force them out of all institutional and commercial food production entirely.  That specifically means schools, hospitals and restaurants where they are used because they're cheaper and it is basically impossible for you to know if they're in there or not.  You can't even order an omelet without exposure to them as the restaurant is almost-certain to use them rather than actual butter because these oils are much less expensive.

If you want to consume them in goods bought in a store have at it -- provided they're labeled prominently (they are on the ingredient list panel, so you can read it first.)  But we should mandate that such labeling (e.g. "contains seed oils") be on the face of the package and we must bar them from all "forced" consumption such as in restaurants, including fast food, and commercial production kitchens in both workplaces and especially schools of all types including colleges.

The continued ramp of cost in the medical system is not slowing down and the medical system -- including your doctor personally -- does not give a crap if you live or die; they only care about money.  Get that through your damned head right now and if you don't believe it look back over the last four years and then go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.

You know full well I'm not.

If you think my experience -- and I've repeated it enough times by now to be absolutely, 100% confident in the results when I ingest these things -- doesn't apply to you you're almost-certainly wrong.  Of course you can prove that I'm wrong in your individual case if you have or get one of the Garmins with HRV, wear it for a couple of weeks to get a baseline, then make changes one at a time and see what happens.

But in virtually every case among people I know personally who have some metabolic-related complaint, when I explain this to them, simply do not want to know or argue "well, it might not be accurate for me."

You never find what you refuse to look for and if you don't cut this crap out then who's responsibility is it when you continue to suffer declining health, you're presented a reasonably-inexpensive tool that will nail down the negative impacts of what you put in your pie hole on a specific and repeatable basis, and you refuse?  In addition you believe you can demand that everyone else pay for your deliberate refusal to even identify the source of the problem because then you couldn't deny it anymore?

Well guess what -- this crap is why the nation is literally going bankrupt and you WILL be the one who's screwed when the checks you're demanding be written so you can eat that CRAP cannot be cashed.

That day is coming very soon and it would be wise to excise all of this from your food consumption right now or prove that for you there is no negative impact on your health.

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