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 So You Dislike The Prospect Of Civil War?
Teennnbee 45 posts, incept 2024-03-30
2024-08-15 08:50:47

There's no course correction coming. Even if all policies Karl suggested were implemented. There's been a culture war raging for decades that pitted women against men. Yeah, there are intelligent women, but there's a bell curve and a vast majority of women shown by dating app data, don't like a vast amount of men. This relationships between the sexes are quite honestly atrocious. And this is not a law that can be legislated. Women and men are also quite unattractive to each other these days. Average American woman is 170 lbs. Men aren't that far off. Men are also turning their backs on women too.

Culture is downstream from politics but it's been a multi-front war. I make the best of the hand I've been dealt. A functioning, civilized society would be nice, but that ship sailed into the night decades before I was born. I'm just glad I didn't fall into the student loan debacle that took out many millennials.
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