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 No Cure, No Pay
Tickerguy 204k posts, incept 2007-06-26
2023-03-25 11:35:21

@Tappedout ah but see that just means the price becomes the inverse of the probability. It makes things like RunDeathIsNear radioactive, since by the data that kills 20% of the people its given to by destroying their kidney function. Nobody in their right mind would administer it when one time in five it means you don't get paid AT ALL for ANYTHING you did during that hospital stay.

You miss the essential element of this which is that since ANYONE can walk into a pharmacy, say "gimme" and pay for whatever (so long as its not an addictive substance), and de-identified records will ALL be in a public-facing database where ANYONE can analyze conditions, what's done and the outcomes we will VERY quickly learn what works and what does not for any condition, and the risk of such is 100% on the person being their own doctor.

Henry Ford had a 60% success protocol. With minor modifications (e.g. swapping a non-Zpak antibiotic prophylaxis against secondary bacterial pneumonia co-infection, adding Budesonide when lung involvement begins and, for those who fail to respond to Budesonide when lung involvement starts, Hydroxyurea) would have within weeks to a couple of months made mortality from ***** an effective zero.

That's the data folks and no amount of arm-waving by anyone will ever change it. We now have the data, plenty of people tried to hide it, but it got out anyway. It was the hiding and refusal to allow people to run their own experiments of one with exposure of all the data that this generated that is WHY all these people are dead. The first couple of months, sure -- but by then we had a 60% reduction on the table and within a couple more months it would have been 90%+ and virtually ALL of the hospitalizations would have NOT occurred. These are facts.

If this is done and enforced the same will be true for most other conditions. People WILL choose on their own when "refused" because the doc doesn't like the odds but if it works it will be days before people know and once they know why do you need the doc, other than to diagnose the condition?

Do you want to fix problems or make excuses and further the armed robbery of the American people?

Sample sizes of 330 million provide VERY solid statistical evidence very quickly, and that evidence is by definition correct. For other than surgery-required interventions (e.g. trauma, etc.) the entire "medical complex" becomes 100% advisory on a "pay for opinion, but not treatment" basis and you choose, with all the data in front of you. That's how it should have been decades ago and this forces that on a universal basis because if you try to set "standards" they had better work or you don't get paid.

"Perhaps you can keep things together and advance playing DIE games.
Or perhaps the truth is that white men w/IQs >= 115 or so built all of it and without us it will collapse."

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