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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges 653 posts, incept 2021-12-17
2022-12-28 14:07:15

Karl wrote..
* The Democrats are going to get obliterated in the midterms. Clean miss; I didn't even hear the whizz of that one going by. No, the narrow margin in the House isn't worth even a fraction of a point.

Never misunderestimate how capable the Republican Party is when it comes to Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory.
Things like the midterm BS makes me think that the "Controlled Opposition" claim is true, whether or not that's considered "tinfoil" or part of the Kabuki-theater of our ruling caste, I'll let the reader decide.
(It happens far too often and with too much consistency to be "accident".)

Karl wrote..
* The consequences of corporate and government mandates will manifest in severe dislocations through industry. We're already seeing it. Southwest and their flight disruption is not just Southwest; it is not only a "oh we have a system engineered to remove all unnecessary cost" (which then has no redundancy in it so when something goes wrong it all goes to Hell immediately) it's everywhere in the airline industry and elsewhere. It has been known for a decade that there's a problem coming with qualified pilots and part of the entire nonsense with increasing automation and such in cockpits, along with pressure to reduce qualifications. Rather than make the investments in both training and pay to incentivize people to take that path the choice was made to lower standards and press existing employees. That never turns out poorly, right? Uhhhhh.... yeah, ok. Health care is another example; people are screaming about shortages of beds and similar but there are beds -- just no staff, so entire wings are shut down because you need the staff to run that wing, and you don't have said people. Management has gotten awfully arrogant, often with government backing (e.g. jab mandates) when it comes to employees and the bill for that will become increasingly critical this coming year. All-in this is probably a good thing for society as a whole as labor/management balance is just that, but it won't come without pain and adds further inflationary pressure.
* DEI and ESG will be increasingly recognized as resulting in DIE. This won't play out entirely in one year, but it will start in earnest this year. There are plenty of people who think they can double down on this and force it to not only continue but expand. They're wrong and they're about to get a very expensive and personal lesson starting with the loss of their job and recognition that their lavish lifestyle does not square with the income that can be generated in the fast-food industry. Refusal to recognize that the end of "free money" means you must actually produce and that means meritocracy wins and all else loses will lead you directly to the nearest Federal Bankruptcy Court.

@Tickerguy -- These two items alone could be their own book, but I think what we're going to see is a whole lot of management mis-steps from trying to cut DEI/ESG precisely because of the "remove all unnecessary cost" (i.e. redundancy) that management has done in the past two decades where they combine multiple positions -- as evidenced in the job-ads for "entry-level" technical jobs where it looks like they're listing an entire R&D skillset rather than a single person. The Affordable Care Act's incentivization of cutting hours both birthed the "gig economy" (where the lower-paying "real" [i.e. not high-schooler's summer-job] jobs became insufficient to support a family) and encouraged the employers to adopt a "you're lucky to have a job!" attitude where they acted like they were doing you a favor by treating you like ****... and this trend in attitudes culminated with the branding of workers as "essential" even as the employers disregarded employees' concerns & convictions to implement the clearly (if you took more than 5 minutes thought) unlawful "mandates".

Because of the DEI/ESG "diversity" push, there are a LOT of unqualified and underqualified people in key positions and, to make matters worse, the DEI/EGS rot typically infests HR so that they can push the entire company in that direction. -- So there's a LOT of distortion and "misappropriation" (to use the Army logistics term) among personnel, and correcting that is likely going to hurt. -- Like a cancer, HR is going to be the main-mass and try to keep metastasizing... and, due to the "cost savings" of combining the productive-positions, any mistake in the "surgery" is going to hurt all the more, precisely because there's little redundancy in the productive body.

Dingleberry wrote..
6. Trump isn't done. Vast majority of his endorsements got elected, and the abortion thingy (an unforced error) made hoe's mad and cost repubs. Now they can enjoy losing the rest of their freedoms. Besides, we still have two years until next election and that is a political eternity. DeSantis won't be able to withstand the withering onslaught that the media-DNC complex spews forth, not to mention the majority is now solidly left. The dems could nominate Fetterman and he would win. That is how they vote. You exercise discernment, they do not. Ever. If you have lived around them, you know this. Red areas will get redder, blue and purple areas will become bluer. Let them enjoy their local filth and corruption.

I certainly hope he is.
That bull**** NFT digital collectable-/trading-card (i.e. it doesn't actually exist) that he attached his name to and pushed should, alone, tank him... but I suppose that's in a sane world, which this is observably not.
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