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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Dxd1200 40 posts, incept 2021-05-01
2022-12-29 14:10:20

DEI is a malignancy within the entire corporate world, and a certain gargantuan online retailer is going all in with it. The push to retain and promote employees that check a DEI box is a true tragedy and is crushing morale across the company. It has gotten to the point where an entire mentor program has been put in place with every black employee at a certain job level has been enrolled in it, whether they wanted to be or not. The reason? To retain these employees over all others, regardless of how they are performing or if they are a good fit. Melanin content is all that matters. This mentor program was supposed to include native Americans and Latinos as well, but they were skipped over for the time being so the company could focus on black employees.

As far as DEI initiative employees go, they are the worst of the worst. Most that crab walk into that space are ineffectual at best and downright destructive when fully operational. They exist to create escalations to HR over any and every perceived slight. Not a joke - I had to fend off HR wanting to fire one of my best employees because he stated on a zoom call that he likes his coffee black. A black female employee took this as a microaggression because she felt he was sexually objectifying her because he likes black coffee. She said she could feel him 'leering' at her through the call. I spent at least 30 hours of time with that nonsense, and it's never ending. Then there are the overpaid and under worked SDEs - a request for an updated CTA button has been languishing for months and has 4 full time SDEs assigned to it...each SDE with an average salary of 180k and Indian. I have nothing against any SDEs, Indian or otherwise, when they can code off basic requirements for a common function like a CTA...but these cats are awful, just awful. I serve and volley emails and trouble tickets with them daily.

I read reports that some companies are scaling back on DEI initiatives - not at this online retailer. Yeah, ongoing and upcoming layoffs have targeted HR, it's only in the recruiting space so far with some targeting 'people experience' teams. DEI is safe and spreading like a wild fire with stage 4 cancer at this company and it will continue to degrade service internally and externally.
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