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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges 653 posts, incept 2021-12-17
2022-12-28 21:35:49

Winesorbet wrote..
Any predictions on where unemployment will be?

Tickerguy wrote..

@Winesorbet, @Tickerguy -- In one of my recent posts, I mentioned that management cutting out DEI/ESG could go poorly if the management-class either goes overboard or misunderstands the HR-as-cancer situation. Given the lack of redundancy for productive-types*, which management justified as cutting out unnecessary-expenses (after all, the salary of the DEI/ESG hires had to be paid) it would be rather easy for them to get "overzealous" and cut out productive people to the degree that it harms the body-corporate, perhaps to the point of collapsing it.

The nightmare scenario would be the "chain reaction" where company die-off causes other companies to die off because they were dependent upon the first company. In that case we could see a full-blown economic collapse.** / Given the inflation we're seeing, and the increase we're likely going to see (as Karl predicts) from the government spending and Ukraine BS, this has a higher probability than is comfortable. (And, it actually is an excellent proof for encouraging mid- and small-business while preventing big/monopolistic business that we see now.)

A third factor to consider is how "admin-heavy" some places are; education and government especially have a VERY heavy admin burden and a LOT of it is useless and distorts the marketplace just as DEI and ESG do, albeit in different ways. (DEI is about BS like "50% minorities!" while admin-heavy tends to be about the political power-squabbling and fiefdom-building.)

A fourth factor to consider, and it's tied to being admin-heavy, is how the admin-class will likely never admit fault, mistake or malpractice, instead blaming the workers, the economy, government's policies... anything but the admin-class. (Actually, you can see this starting now: just look at the horrified reaction to "quiet quitting", which is just "sitting down, shutting up, doing the job, and not volunteering" -- it's actually quite interesting, in a schadenfreude sort of way, how they'll twist everything to demonize the worker, refusing to look at the employer's contribution to the situation/relationship.)

Employers have been signaling that they are unwilling to consider employees' (and customers, in the case of majorly ESG-corrupted like Disney) in the relationship -- well, the beatings will continue until the situation improves.

* My last job is a good example: I was one of four people operating a telescope that "on full power" provided full-time work to 40+ people. The admin thought that our skeleton-crew's skeleton-crew didn't need more people because we were producing data... nevermind the fact that if any one of us were to get in a car-accident or something that's 25% of the workforce gone.

** And, to make matters worse, the instincts of those in power will be to Do Something! rather than let the whole thing take care of itself free-market style. (i.e. The Calvin Coolidge approach, as opposed to the now-ingrained OMG-The-Great-Depression-DO-SOMETHING[-and-make-it-worse] approach.)
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