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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Adgc1971 21 posts, incept 2022-09-03
2022-12-28 20:16:39

I think most of the politicians in the USA are in denial, oblivious, refusing to figure out what's really going on, blackmailed, too much to lose, and/or stupid to see what's happening. It's been over 19 months since I was last in the USA. I would divest out of the USA if there was a way for me to easily convert the bulk of my assets (and future Social Security & Medicare "rights") to something abroad without taking a huge hit on transaction, commission, tax, etc. expenses & then being able to keep it off the radar of the IRS. I've always been one to follow the rules with integrity. I did well doing this. It really helps my self-esteem knowing that I never fear an IRS audit (as I'd pass again with no issue just like I have multiple times in the past) or have to worry about creditors or other legal issues miring me (unless they were pursued by liars) because I'm clean. However, I see the day is coming where the people in power will likely go after people like me with a vengeance, even though I got where I'm at through hard work, thrift, sacrifices, and honesty. I'm in my early 50s and I could still work another decade to accumulate another million or more. What's the point if it'll put a bigger target on my back and create plenty of risks along the way while I give up 25,000+ hours of my precious time for possible bosses (most likely young millennials who got their position through Wokeness rather than merit)? No thank you.
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