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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges 652 posts, incept 2021-12-17
2022-12-28 17:52:43

Chromehill wrote.. - Regarding the Republicans, keep in mind that people like us are the RINOs. The leadership of the Republican party hates us. Reality is that we register and vote Republican because we really have no alternative, certainly we do not agree with the leadership of the Republican party.

@Chromehill -- Agreed; I have said before, elsewhere, that the True Republican is the McCain, the McConnell, Romney, and Cruz -- the political creatures who, as you observe, hate the average American and their base all the more so -- if you ascribe to any of the [traditional] stated party planks (government accountability, fiscal responsibility, Rule of Law, Ending Roe v. Wade*, etc) then it is YOU who is the RINO. -- You see, the Republican Party (as it functions) is but a Trumpesque "All Talk, No Action"/"All Hat, No Cattle" organization that, like the National Rifle Association, exists only to grift. (Whether the object of that grift is money, or votes, or both is actually immaterial -- they are the embodiment of fraud and deceit, having no desire to achieve their stated purpose and ofttimes working against that goal.)

Trump is actually an excellent example of, shall we say, voter retaliation: in 2016 there were something like 12 or 16 candidates, and of them Trump and Carson were the only two not obviously in-line with the Elite talking-points/policies, and they planned to have a JEB or Cruz in-place --and make no mistake here, Cruz would be fatal to the US and Rule of Law, for he does not qualify for President due to the NBC requirement-- and was saying sensible things that one could infer were plausible instances of an abstract ideal. (e.g. "Build the Wall!" -> border-security and immigration-control; "Lock her up!" -> an anti-corruption agenda, etc.) --- either he would at least attempt to enact policies, or else he would tear the party apart with his bombastic "personality. (Looks like "The Party"/elites, to include Trump himself, chose the latter; I hope their plans roll back on them and crush them.)

It's been noted that there is no real opposition, politically (or "partyily") speaking here:

Interestingly enough, the mere act of speaking (which is all Trump ever really did) is enough to send TPTB into a tizzy, the mere talk of pushing back on (e.g.) immigration enough to be de-platformed, banned, and/or shadow-banned. That is how much they've grown unused to criticism or push-back in their arrogant echo-chambers and active disdain for the common man. -- Considering this, simply declaring the Truth, refusing to submit to lies, is enough to destabilize their power/control.

* Roe v. Wade could have been fixed by enacting legislation declaring the issue to be State-level and excluding the appellate matter from the Supreme Court, which Congress has power over via Art III, S2, C2: "In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."

** To prove Cruz's ineligibility, let us use proof by contradiction, now we know that the purpose of the NBC requirement was to prevent the Presidency from being held by someone with foreign allegiances, in particular they wanted to prevent someone who was heir to the Throne from becoming President and then "reunifying"/annexing the newly formed United States-- the circumstances of Cruz's birth are that he was born to a citizen mother and non-citizen father outside the US. Therefore, applying these circumstances to someone, say born in England, whose father was not a Citizen, say the king of England, thus produces someone whose allegiance is supremely doubtable: the Prince of England. Therefore, it is shown that the circumstances of birth exclude Ted Cruz. QED.
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