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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Bluto 3k posts, incept 2021-07-10
2022-12-28 17:13:33

Predictions are tough, especially concerning stuff that hasn't happened yet. But here are a few anyway.

The US continues to decline at a fundamental level. Fewer people decide they are willing to support the decaying carcass with their time, labor, or blood.

I expect to see further declines in military recruiting because fewer people are willing to fight for the country. Those that do join will do so for "free stuff" or because they have no other options.

The marriage rate declines even more, with an increasing number of young males going their own way for a number of reasons.

There are fewer childbirths, possibly made even worse by the failed vaccines.

VIP/RIP increases at large corporations, eventually forcing these companies to either pay their talented employees more money, OR keep paying the diversity folks.

The Biden regime, having successfully avoided a 2022 recession, will suffer a rough one in 2023. All according to plan, since they think the economy will recover in 2024 and thus won't hurt them in the presidential election. I suspect the recession will be worse than they anticipate and will carryover in 2024.

Without a Democrat Congress to bail them out, "blue" states will look for other revenue streams. I expect a couple of them to legalize prostitution and tax the hell out of it. They need young males who can do stuff to remain in their states, and the lure of pussy will trump fishing in Wyoming for many of them.

Red states will be moving in the opposite direction, with several making attempts to eliminate either the state income tax (article on ZH today) or state property tax. Those who do so first will see a large influx of population.

50% chance a Supreme Court justice has to resign or dies from illness. Supposedly they are all boosted, and many are very old. With a Democrat Senate, Brandon will pick another communist judge. And THIS (if not the clot shots first) might be thing that ends Trump's campaign since it is his fault for losing the Senate. But the Democrats won't get off scot-free either. As they would surely lose the WV, MT, and OH Senate seats in 2024, costing them control of the Senate.

Not sure this will happen in 2023, but I do expect a "confidence crisis" to happen in the US. This could be because of a failed response to a natural disaster like a large earthquake, or a military fiasco, like two ships with "diversity" captains colliding and sinking, or something totally unexpected like when Mathias Rust landed in Red Square after penetrating Soviet air defenses, thus showing the world the USSR was a paper tiger.

"A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to." Theodore Dalrymple
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