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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Ihsmta 908 posts, incept 2008-04-10
2022-12-28 13:42:07

Here's a couple of my takes.

Auto Market:
My daughter-in-law works at a large new car dealership. She says that November was their best in the previous 18 months. However, December sales fell off a cliff. It seems there's a small, independent used car dealership on every corner and most of them will disappear.

It being obvious that Biden is pumped full of pharmaceuticals and still visibly declining, he will have a major health scare in 2023 and does not survive the end of his presidency.

Supply Chain:
My wife forced me to go on a anthropological field trip to WalMart yesterday. Still empty shelves all over in the grocery section while clothing is packed everywhere. Our local Dollar General still has excess stock stacked in boxes in the aisles. Over-supply and under-supply will not go away anytime soon.

You will increasingly see businesses hire armed security much like the gas station/c-store in Philadelphia that was in the news recently. My friend went on a hunting trip to South Africa pre-Covid with a friend who lives there. Nearly all businesses have private armed security. This will be a growth industry in the USA - especially in the blue hives. There will also be "retail deserts" in high crime areas where shoplifting cannot be controlled. Look for this to be highlighted as further "racism" by the white establishment and business communities.

The Fed will be forced to stick to their guns to defend their honor, legacy, and the currency. I agree that finger pointing and friction between the Democrats and the Fed will increase as rates go up and inflation lingers.

Fiscal Nightmare:
KD is right in that the FY2023 Omnibus spending bill is inherently inflationary and outside the Fed's monetary control thus the lingering inflation. However, despite the HUGE deficit, there will be a "need" for supplemental funding before the end of FY2023 setting up the divided CONgress budget fight for FY2024.

This is too depressing. I think I'll quit there.

"Economists are no different than the prophets of ancient Pompeii who reassured that Mt Vesuvius would never blow. After all, it never had before." Baxter Black, DVM and Cowboy Poet

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