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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Dingleberry 965 posts, incept 2011-11-06
2022-12-28 12:03:29

Great synopsis of the political-economic paradigm challenges we have to deal with, although the last year really opened my eyes to how incurably ignorant the masses have become (i.e. emotive vs. scientific or logical reasoning). Now that the election is over and truth and facts should not need to be hidden as much by our esteemed propaganda-media complex, would think an awakening should occur except all but the most libtarded....but sadly this won't. For one main reason: the voting demographic is now solidly left. Specifically I mean most women, vast majority of minorities (increasing by the hour) and soy boy millennials and zoomers. Logic, reason and experience plays no part in their worldview. And they are the majority and will be going forward from here on out. They cannot be saved or reached. Thankfully most politics is local.

1. DEI is in fact "die" but that won't die this year. It will in time once the companies go BK....but not now. Plenty of fat in most corps. If you lived back when we had real recessions, you know what I mean. Twatter was just one example. All companies have this excess fat (i.e. anyone with a liberal arts degree----this means YOU), and certainly the gov does. But barring a severe economic recession, companies still need colorized hood ornaments to show how "diverse" they are. And keep them out of EO lawsuits.

2. Green energy is a complete and total economic and scientific fraud, but that won't stop this year either. The more pain it causes....the more we need to "invest". And blaming everything on globull warming, no matter how ridiculous. And it will be accepted by the aforementioned masses. A cult. It already is.

3. Dems will continue to try and usurp the Constitution with tyranny. If you live in a blue zoo with a democrat machine you know what I mean. There is a reason CA, CO, NY, etc. will never go red again. Once the corruption is established, the blue cancer kills any competition and drives anything decent out. But you will still get to keep your abortions, so that's a fair trade I suppose.

4. Our economy is global, and therefore relative. If Europe and Asia have massive geo-political problems, then that benefits the US and the USD. Inflation was bad last year. Imagine how bad it would have been if Europe was not on their knees (add a digit). Much of this was self-inflicted stupidity (i.e. sanctions against Russia). The US will continue to be the safe haven. My tin foil tells me this is intentional. Sucks to be them. But leftist stupidity has a price. And Europe is far, far left as a rule.

5. Our border will remain a line on a map, nothing more. The claims of "waycism" by the left for anyone endorsing even a speed bump at the border, and their media and cries of "save the childrens!". Then throw in the Mitt Romney repubs of the world who get to enjoy profits off of slave labor.

6. Trump isn't done. Vast majority of his endorsements got elected, and the abortion thingy (an unforced error) made hoe's mad and cost repubs. Now they can enjoy losing the rest of their freedoms. Besides, we still have two years until next election and that is a political eternity. DeSantis won't be able to withstand the withering onslaught that the media-DNC complex spews forth, not to mention the majority is now solidly left. The dems could nominate Fetterman and he would win. That is how they vote. You exercise discernment, they do not. Ever. If you have lived around them, you know this. Red areas will get redder, blue and purple areas will become bluer. Let them enjoy their local filth and corruption.

7. The left will continue to get the right to subsidize them at the federal level. Just happened with the Teamsters. Happens 24/7 with welfare. Student loan bailouts anyone? Anyone who ever believed the left's lies about subsidizing the right is a complete fucking idiot and should never have been born. But if you repeat a lie often enough.....

8. Gov shutdowns will be a thing again, but when it happens, the DNC-media led cabal will blame the right for any attempts to reign in even a dime in spending. This has happened before. And will again. And the repubs will cave due to placate the soccer mom and EBT crowd.

9. Sam Bankster Fraud will get convicted, but may not live to see a jail. He has a lot of dirt on dems. If history is any guide.....

10. The Ukraine is a gold mine for the MIC. Best to keep that gravy train running. And it will. By both parties.

11. The jab. The damage has been done. It will be gaslighted. Again, a cult. Reasoning does not apply. And if you have seen as many videos as I have of the jabbed with terrible side effects STILL not angry (nor their parents) would understand. The gov, the media and big Pharma went all in on, there will be no mea culpa. They would be utterly destroyed if they did.

12. Education. The fruits of the leftist takeover are now for all to see, from kindergarten to college. Enjoy your taxpayer-funded teen and adult daycare. Standardized testing is "wayciss" and being removed (after years of being dumbed-down). So good luck finding workers who can do the 3 Rs. Or voters who can use reason.

13. Will Brandon get impeached as most certainly should be? The FBI-Hunter-Big Guy laptop thingie come to light? And you thought Watergate was bad.....I suspect that will be negative.

Here is hoping to a bigger crypto crash next year, an even higher crime rate in blue zoos (they voted for it) and hope you all have a nice seat to watch it from afar!!

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