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 2022: The Year In Review, And Burning Of Bridges
Kari 61 posts, incept 2021-10-19
2022-12-28 10:01:30

I live in a 'blue hive.' I was sent home to work in March 2020 and my company made it permanent, so I work from home to this day. For over 20 years, every single day I was out and about in my city: commuting, running errands, eating out, etc. Now I leave about every third day, usually to drive 5 miles or less. All those years before the pandemic, I certainly saw lots of interesting/terrible things while out and about but it wasn't every day, to be honest. Now, I swear it is something every single time I leave. Beggars on every corner at every intersection; depending on what part of the city, they are often quite aggressive. It is a rare treat to find a shopping cart inside any of the three grocery stores I frequent and most of the carts are just scattered randomly around the parking lots. I hear sirens screaming almost every single night. A few weeks ago on a very cold night, traffic was stopped in an odd place and I eventually realized a woman was walking down the middle of that road; she then stripped off her clothes and wandered off naked into a parking lot. Several cars stopped and honestly I don't know if they intended to help or harm her. Everyone on the highways seem to either drive 20 under the speed limit or 30 over. I watched a woman who was driving very slowly through a parking lot roll into a parked car the other day; she had 'nodded off' but was suddenly very alert again when the other driver got out and started yelling. None of these different incidents are the type of thing I've never seen before, but it definitely seems like they are increasing, from my perspective.
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