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Dingleberry 974 posts, incept 2011-11-06
2022-06-18 12:13:24

ESG is simply another form of woke. Except instead of insane "progressive" cultural leftist SJW bullshittery, it's now in the company boardroom. And only in the west. This woke shit is not pulled in non-western countries like China, even though these ESG companies have assets there. Only the west gets this special treatment, seemingly meeting the demands of the SJW, the young, the soccer mom, and other fools who believe in that stupidity. Ok. So what next?

Since the medical monopoly continues to get away with financial and other forms of murder......I doubt Blackrock and guys like FINK will lose any sleep worrying about a knock on the door from our esteemed FBI-IRS-DOJ "professionals".

I take some comfort is seeing a preview of this shit already in Europe. Seems like when the cost of energy goes up by a factor of 3-4....people gradually start to lose their wokeness (except virtue signaling.....which of course is free). Next stop: power failures, empty shelves, and unemployment. Let's see if they continue to "do it for Greta" or "do it for Ukraine" when the shit REALLY hits the fan. They are already ramping up natural gas which of course is NOT (according to the woketard) good for greenhouse gases......hmmm.

We have certain gender and other demographic groups that are reliably "progressive". If voting numbers are to be believed, they are in fact now the majority. Will pain cause them to awaken from their dogmatic insanity?

One thing I know about lefties (I was born in a leftie town, raised around them, worked with them, saw them up close and personal)....they are, at their core, thieves. They view the world as run by thieves, so they will "get theirs". And any problems in life are caused by "the man", never the person in the mirror. Now thrown in the rabid SJW madness which will only decrease the overall economic pie. The crumbs they get now will look like a feast when the reality of ESG bears its ugly fruit. Go woke and go broke is looking like the 11th Commandment.

Wokeness has a price. I can tell you, the woke ain't woke when it comes to THEIR money. Perhaps a few days (or weeks) in the dark will get their attention, or paying through the nose for the basics to survive. I know using reason and logic won't help, at all. You already see this with Brandon and blaming big oil for democrap suicidal energy policies. Will the blame game work? Or is the populace not as stupid as I think they are? We will see.
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