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 Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy
Ee4fire 1k posts, incept 2011-03-24
2022-01-05 08:52:45

The linked article below "California releases final root cause analysis of August rolling blackouts" appeared in one of the electrical trade publications I receive.

Two of three conclusions were as follows:

2) The conclusion largely mirrored preliminary findings, reporting that an extreme heat wave caused by climate change led to excessive demand, while resource planning targets under a changing power supply have not kept up with supply-demand, and some market practices exacerbated the supply issues.

3) Renewables and storage advocates said the report is evidence California should be more aggressive in investing in long-term energy storage, to ensure power from intermittent resources such as solar can be available during peak hours.

While 2 is probably a true statement, 3 is complete and utter bovine excrement. Long term energy storage. Long term energy storage of electricity is the use of batteries. Batteries are DC and the power grid uses AC. Do they know how many f'ing batteries they are going to need and of what type? How many acres of solar panels and tens of thousands of windmills will be enough to satisfy the normal and peak power demands of the largest state with almost 40 million people?

Solar panels and windmills can supplement and address peak issues, but their reliability is nowhere near a 99.999% standard some utility customers require from an electric utility. The same people or type of people running the WuFLu response are also running the public service commissions and energy policy branches of gov't.

The obvious solution is better and more efficient generation plants and upgrading the transmission and distribution infrastructure. More redundancy and paralleling of generation and power line circuits will do more to fix the problem panels and windmills.

The Green New Deal Unicorn sellers are at it again. They will build their white elephant "renewable" electric grid in the land of fruits and nuts. The big groundbreaking with all the smiling politicians standing there with their Nazi advocates patting themselves on their backs. The first summer of excessive demand when all the AC and refrigeration units start coming on and staying on, the renewable grid will collapse. Not to mention charging all those electric vehicles once they will have outlawed the internal combustion engine. All those smiling politicians will be ducking for cover under their solar panel farms.

Gov't is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. - Frederick Bastiat

The gov't is a money laundering operation from our bank acc
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